Just start writing again!

I want to write a blog, but…

  • i don’t have time 😩!
  • i am not good a writing, but can spell good πŸ˜…
  • someone has already wrote about this ( and its better than mine)

I am going to take more time to write from now on, I always find that putting your thoughts down helps me better understand what I am trying to learn. Also, I believe the only way to get better at writing is to write more (its not likely that I can get any worse).

I have been experimenting with a lot of newer things recently that I think the world shoudl know about. Check them out while I put together some posts about them.

Web Components

They are finally here, well maybe, IDK, sooon… Here are a few tools that get me excited to ditch transpilers and just write for the web!

  • haunted.js πŸ¦‡ πŸŽƒ - WebComponents that look like React Hooks, no neeed to tranpile either!

  • masquerades - Imagine Styled Components for React but they just work natively in the browser. Well here is a library aiming to do just that.

  • lit-element & lit-html - Lightweight class-based approach to Webcomponents made easy with lit-html, made as part of the polymer project by those smarty-pants at Google.

  • htm - Starting to realize may Jason Miller(Preact) has it all figured out.


  • Zeit - ❀️everything on there github page.

  • Architect - Finally some simplification around how to actually build an real app with serverless and deploy it without understanding CloudFormation or all the nuances of AWS


I have been experimenting again with 3D and javascript, this takes me back to my Adobe Flash days, using Away3d. ThreeJS and Babylon have been around for a long time now but the APIs are so easy to use now. I was also blown away by A-FRAME a web-component wrapper for VR with three.js


318 Words

2019-09-04 23:38 +0000